Charges for Long Distance Relocations are determined by the actual “net” weight of your shipment and mileage. The moving truck is weighed on a certified scale before your household goods are loaded. This is called the “tare” weight. Once your belongings are loaded, the moving truck is again weighed. This is called the “gross” weight. The difference between the gross weight and tare weight is called the net weight. The official mileage is determined from a published standard mileage guide.
When the movers perform preliminary packing in your home, additional charges for such services are computed based on the number of cartons packed. Professional packers, using modern packing techniques, minimize packing expense. Professional will be pleased to make a “Pre-Move Survey”, without obligation, to inform you about our procedures, average transit schedules, and pricing. A custom moving plan is developed for every phase of your relocation to take care of all your individual needs. During the pre-move visit, you can discuss special items such as cars, boats, grandfather clocks and pool tables. Be sure to show your Professional Certified Moving Consultant everything you intend to move — whether it’s in the basement, attic or garage. He or she must see everything in order to get an accurate assessment of your personal moving requirements.